His Springboard Resolve
For his firmness is most fog horn.
For he’s darning our fraying hem with fine thread; for he’s following a plan.
Be it a progression from detention to due process.
Be it a declaration of Middle-East and market collapse mazes unmazed.
Be it settled.
From this day forward, a little less fetus, a lot more science.
From this day forward, more angles, more angels.
Starting today, a taking on of the barely luggable.
In with the fluent, out with the foibles.
In with the factual, out with the fearfully furrowed.
In with fine-tuning, out with the cudgels, the slapjacks.
Today, we harness our harmony.
Today, we take on our bite-sized tasks; he takes on transparency.
Today, we look back at the wrangled, forward to the breakfast of bipartisan.
Today, we nibble the lucky coin of our own Vasilopita.
Today, the shimmery window of immediate.
More from those who pray in a mosque, in a temple. Less from the evangelical.
More service, less fretting.
More figuring, less guessing.
More giving, less getting.
No bitching.
Coming to a theatre near you, an outrageous congruity.
Coming to that theatre, an unprecedented logic.
Heretofore, only the most unavoidable imbroglios.
Heretofore, heads high for the man in the highest office.
Heretofore, inclusion.
Coming soon, endpoints.
Soon to come, time frames.
Soon, failure gets a time-out; endeavor gets a play date and a sleepover.
The sun is rising over rising water, over the desert’s drying, over the dead and the dying.
The sun is rising; let it inflame us.
–Martha Silano
This poem is from a blog to keep an eye on. Starting Today: poems for the first 100 days offers a blend of poetics and politics in a fresh manner. Silano (Seattle, WA), is the author of two books of poetry, Blue Positive and What the Truth Tastes Like. Her work appears recently or is forthcoming in 32 Poems, AGNI, Crab Orchard Review, and Prairie Schooner.