About Slow Muse
As a visual artist I have a complicated relationship with verbal language. Both words and images are creative tools. But in a very linear and objectifying culture, verbal language has been given hegemony over the visual. This shows up as wordy explanations that attempt to unpack and parse the meaning of an image. That is, in my opinion, a misuse of words.
Visual language functions very well in a zone of uncertainty and mystery. That is after all part of its unspoken magic. And while words can be used to contextualize and ponder those rich uncertainties, it should be undertaken from a respectful distance and with high regard for what cannot be languaged.
I started Slow Muse in 2006 as a way of demonstrating how words can actually befriend and enhance the visual experience. I have tried to approach art thoughtfully while not violating its sacred and essential essence. Over time the writing here expanded to include writing about novels, poetry, music, theater and other forms of artistic expression. In all cases I am deeply respectful of the sovereignty of a work of art to speak in its own vernacular.
Just a note about navigating the site: With over 20 years of entries available, it is best to use the search bar on the home page to find what might interest you. You can also just wander back in time and see what captures your attention.
Thank you for stopping by.
Deborah Barlow
Deborah Barlow is a visual artist, writer, curator and artist advocate. During the past 50 years she has had over 50 solo exhibitions and been included in hundreds of group shows in museums, galleries, universities and institutions in the United States, Europe and the UK. She has curated many exhibits and written art reviews, artist monographs and curatorial statements.
Most recently she founded Pell Lucy, an international collective of artists. She has also created several Instagram sites that make buying art more accessible, affordable and friendly.
She lives in Brookline, near Boston, with a studio at Waltham Mills in Waltham MA.
I have an 1989 untitled hand colored lithograph of Kenji nanao its huge a 32×32 framed any thoughts on the value of this? Thanks
please send me feed back at angi.abercrombie@verizon.net
I’m interest in purchasing one of your pictures
Final size 24x 36, do you happen to have a high res digital file and what would you charge?
Thank you
Its wonderful to read your writings… Makes me miss you and Bryce. Sending you so much love.
Dear Ms. Barlow (Deborah), Came to your site while trying to track down the source of the Winnicott saying. Still trying! But glad to have found your site. Love to have you write a piece for one of Zeteo’s two series: Zeteo is Reading and Zeteo is Looking and Listening. See zeteojournal DOT com. And, to dialogue about all this: zeteojournal AT gmail. Merry Christmas! – William Eaton
Hi Deborah,
I love your new design, but I really miss the archive menu – I would sometimes open a month at random and be delighted, provoked, inspired, grateful. Is there a possibility of including an archive menu or link again?
Are you looking for submissions to Slow Muse or is this your personal blog site that reviews work?
Thank you
Nanc Hart
Hi Deborah, I’ve just stumbled upon your article ‘A Generosity of Spirit’. Firstly, thank you. Your honest response to the last few months and your understanding of the ASP movement was a joy to read. It’s a shift in perspective for many that, I hope, will remain.
Matthew Burrows
I wish you would add a search function please! I would love to look at the poems you’ve posted here and there, as well as other topics
It’s there. Go to the home page and scroll down.