
Diary of a Tap Dancer (Photo: Nile Scott Studios and Maggie Hall) Looking for travel lanes in the current cultural landscape—one that has become increasingly complex, narrowbanded, detoured and unpredictable—has become a fraught undertaking. Maybe it’s just me and my navigational tools that are outdated or arcane. But I can’t seem to find the currents […]

Stories Within Stories: Romeo and Juliet at the American Repertory Theater

“We are building something immense together that, though invisible and immaterial, is a structure, one we reside within—or, rather, many overlapping structures. They’re assembled from ideas, visions and values emerging out of conversations, essays, editorials, arguments, slogans, social-media messages, books, protests, and demonstrations. About race, class, gender, sexuality; about nature, power, climate, the interconnectedness of […]

Intimate Infinities

Jane Deering Gallery 19 Pleasant Street (next to Cape Ann Museum) Gloucester MA 01930 Details: September 7 – October 6, 2024Opening reception: Saturday, September 7, 4-6pmClosing reception: Sunday, October 6, 4-6pm Gallery hours: Friday and Saturday, 1-5pm, Sunday, 1-4pm, and by appointment “Intimate Infinities delves into transcendence through the lens of contemporary art,” said Jane […]