Let Form Speak

Detail, Ellen Gallagher (full image is below) . “We are living through a moment” has become a code phrase for encountering yet another art installation or exhibit that puts art in service to a credo or ideology. Social justice, political identity, equality—these are all vital causes that matter, and matter deeply.  But a proclivity to […]

Fair Share Art Auctions: Earthquake Relief

Heads up! An art auction raising funds for earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey is happening February 20-25. You will be able to access all the available art work from a new page on Instagram: @fairshareartauctions. (The prior site was @fairshareartauction, so please note the new plural.) If you are someone who likes to discover […]

Group Crit, Southern Vermont Arts Center

On  November 9 I will be leading a group critique at Southern Vermont Arts Center. Information about participating in that event can be found here. While many approach art and art making through a particular lens—political, generational, media, subject matter—it is also possible to have a more personal, open and inclusive approach to the enchantments […]