On November 9 I will be leading a group critique at Southern Vermont Arts Center. Information about participating in that event can be found here. While many approach art and art making through a particular lens—political, generational, media, subject matter—it is also possible to have a more personal, open and inclusive approach to the enchantments […]
Art Making
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I’ll Make it My Way, Thanks

I think it’s particularly worrying at the moment because you can only create in an atmosphere of freedom, where you’re not checking everything you say critically before you move on. What you have to be able to do is to build without knowing where you’re going because you’ve never been there before. That’s what creativity […]
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Antifragility and Art Making

Note: A few weeks ago I gave a guest lecture for the MFA students at Long Island University Post. At the time I referred to my remarks as a “shop talk:” gathering with fellow tradespeople to share some work wisdom. Art making can resemble a kind of guild after all, one that adheres to the […]
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The World and the Margins

Years ago, when I was 19, I spent a month in southern Spain. My best friend and I bought guitars in Barcelona and then buskered and hitchhiked our way from one end of the continent to the other. Back then Francisco Franco, “El Caudillo,” was in power, holding the whole country hostage. While Spain in […]
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Deep Visceral Echoes

I received this message recently from Karen Fitzgerald, a remarkable artist and dear friend: I’m no longer making work for the art world. I’m making it for the world. The art world can go hunker down in its lumpy lodge, as can the fame makers, the fame industry. My back is turned. That may be […]
The Voice That Comes in Through the Window

You can’t start writing until you know what you’re doing, and you don’t know what you’re doing until you start writing. I still have to resist the false intuition that I need to know as much as possible in advance. The essential thing is to know as little as possible. Ideally, when things fall out […]
Enough for Dreaming: Gay Patterson

This is a Preamble: The Then and The Now Prior to the 20th century, letters to friends and family frequently included words as well as sketches. On the road without a camera, travelers used the best technology at the time—pen and paper. A hand written letter was personal, intimate, singular and often quite beautiful. Our […]
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A hillside in Tuscany I don’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t have yearnings. I was raised in a culture that placed high value on the practical and the useful, but that didn’t quiet the longings that took up lodging just below the surface of my life. I was three years old, […]
Nozkowski, Adieu

Thomas Nozkowski, Untitled (9-32), 2014. Oil on linen on panel, 22 x 28 inches. Courtesy of Pace Gallery, New York Many people hold Tom Nozkowski up as a rare exemplar of the artist who was uncompromisingly devoted to his work but was also able to achieve success in his career. He was an artist’s artist, […]
Hay Tiempo

Graciela Iturbide was a young mother when she lost her six year old daughter. It was shortly after that tragic loss that she turned to photography, eventually studying with Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Mexico’s most famous photographer. Bravo took her under his wing. His work was determinedly not picturesque, political or stereotypical, common fare in mid-20th […]